Same Day Flower Delivery

Same Day Flower Delivery

When orderedbefore 2pm

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New Arrival Bouquet

Product Description

A stunning handtied arrangement in pinks and whites with delicate green foliage.

Beautiful Carnations, Chrysanthemums & Spray Carnations.

Each bouquet is designed and created by professional, qualified, local florists, Emma and her team. The talented florists at Flowers of Kidderminster add a touch of pizazz and style to every bouquet, which is put together by hand, from scratch.

Almost what you're after? We can tailor any bouquet to your needs and budget. Want to incorporate their favourite colours? Do you want to adapt the style to your needs and budget? All colours, styles and budgets can all be catered for.

All flowers are subject to availability. Substitutes may be used but your bouquet will always look beautiful!

This item is available for same day delivery by Flowers of Kidderminster in Kidderminster and surrounding areas, order by 2pm. Also available to order for delivery any day you require.

New Arrival Bouquet

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
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